Easy Resource Planner
Версия: |
2.00 |
Автор: | John Buckley |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $49 |
Easy Resource Planner is a program designed to help you schedule your resources from a single, easy-to-use interface. Resources might include people (e.g. employees, consultants etc.), equipment (for example overhead projectors, notebooks or cars) or facilities (such as conference and meeting rooms, training courts). Some common uses for Easy Resource Planner are project planning, time tracking, staff scheduling, vacation/sick leave tracking, room scheduling, event management and equipment renting. Sample data is included, along with detailed documentation.
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-- Вы счастливы в семейной жизни? -- О да! Мы так сильно любим друг друга, что уже три раза откладывали развод.