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Antechinus C# Programming Editor
Seamlessly integrated with Microsoft's Beta 2 version of .NET, Antechinus allow you to design, compile and run C# applications from the integrated environment. You can generate and maintain console and Windows programs, libraries and add-on modules.
Max DVD Creator
Creat VCD from Avi / Divx /Mpeg file, Creat SVCD from Avi / Divx /Mpeg file, Creat DVD from Avi / Divx /Mpeg file, Convert Avi / Divx /Mpeg file to Mpeg (PAL / NTSC), Burn Mpeg files to VCD or SVCD
Triplehash Hutmil is an individual and batch image, audio, web page and generic file editing program. It provides tools to rapidly perform common operations on individual image, audio, web page and generic files as well as on large numbers of files.
Image Merger .EXE
Resurrect boring images to a stunning new look using Image Merger .EXE to merge, blend and combine multiple images together. With the merge wizard you can seamlessly add watermarks or fade a logo onto multiple images in a single batch process.
Image Converter .EXE
Image Converter .EXE is a fast and flexible image conversion program, which allows support for converting to over 15 formats. It features over 20 effects which can be applied in any conversion process, and even in batch mode.
HyperCoder Standard Edition
HyperCoder; an advanced programmers editor designed to streamline your work flow, from project management, tasks lists, quick jump function and labels lists to multiple file format support. HyperCoder is a feature rich syntax highlighting editor
HyperCoder Blitz Edition
HyperCoder- BlitzBasic Edition; an advanced programmers editor designed to streamline your work flow, from project management, tasks lists, quick jump function and labels lists to multiple file format support.
DOS text editor with support for networks, wildcards, wordwrap, multiple video modes, Unix/Mac text formats, and more! Ideal for editing groups of batch files.
Лжец должен обладать хорошей памятью. Квинтилиан
В справочном бюро большого магазина в Гамбурге жен- щина спрашивает: -- К вам случайно не обращался мой муж? Я назначила ему здесь свидание, но опоздала на два часа. -- А как выглядит ваш муж, фрау? -- Я думаю, ужасно разозленным.
Кто над нашим миролюбьем посмеется, тот кровавыми слезами обольется.