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» Educational Games
Quiz of the States
Educational quiz maker includes quiz on the 50 states, with categories on Capitals, Date of Entry, State Bird, and more. Generates hundreds of unique questions. No two tests are exactly the same. Define new tests from spreadsheet data.
Punctuation Invaders
Practice punctuation and capitalization with this arcade grammar game. The student fires a laser to punctuate words while avoiding shots from the aliens. Punctuation exercises, popular in classrooms, are now available in computer game format!
VocabBuddy Lite
A limited feature set version of VocabBuddy, the electronic vocabulary notebook, containing an extensive glossary of EFL terminology. Ideal for CELTA candidates. Totally free.
A spelling, vocabulary and trivia quiz game the whole family will enjoy. Includes about 20 game modules, each in effect a separate game or quiz. Create your own modules with included editor. Fast-paced, entertaining, educational.
All Aboard For Santa
Non-violent graphical adventure for the whole family. Santa is stranded on an island in the Secret Valley, and you must go to the rescue. Delightful full-color scenes, dozens of challenging puzzles, an enthralling challenge for young and old alike.
Learn to recognize the musical notes. Treble and/or bass. Enter letter names, or by clicking piano keyboard or guitar neck graphic. Builds fluency quickly.
MakeFaces (For PocketPC)
MakeFaces was designed to allow children to have fun making faces on your PocketPC. It's a handy way of keeping them entertained at restaurants, visits to the Doctor, trips in the car, just about anywhere.
Instant Memory
Instant Memory is a program developed by Genesis Software that can test your memory using computer- based memory exercises. The program presents several options including three levels, three practice styles, and nine categories to test your memory.
Concentration - the Memory Games
A memory game that combines tradition and innovation. Computer opponents. Tournament. Player statistics Randomly moving and teleportig cards. Joker and gravity. Card sounds and backgrounds. Match cards to descriptions. Customizable layout.
Cherokee Trails
Parallel the trek of the Cherokee tribe across 19th century America in an exciting adventure game.
Если и есть две истины, то вот они: 1) любите только себя и живите настоящим; 2) любите все и думайте о вечности. М. Фичино
Начальник учреждения, обращаясь к своему счетоводу, говорит: -- Удивляюсь, уж не перепутал ли ты что-нибудь в своих расчетах, что так рано явился на работу? -- Нет, господин начальник. Вчера я очень поздно вернулся домой, перед самым восходом солнца. Когда я вошел в спальню, жена сказала: "Что это ты так рано встал?" Я же, чтобы отвлечь ее от других щекотливых вопросов, ответил: "Дорогая, у меня в уч- реждении сегодня много работы!" И поневоле поплелся сюда.
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