
EldoS AutoSaveXL
Версия: |
1.5 |
Автор: | EldoS Corporation |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $19.95 |
If you ever experienced MS Excel crash, you know that data recovery is a time-consuming and hard to do thing. Timely saving of the document that you work on is very important. Unfortunately Excel's built-in autosave feature is very limited and mostly useless.
EldoS AutoSaveXL was designed to replace built-in module and provide extra features such as saving the document without asking extra questions, keeping the specified number of revisions for each document, easy recovery of any document revision.
Currently EldoS AutoSaveXL offers the following features:
(1) Possibility to specify how many backup copies of the file is kept;
(2) An option to save the file over it's current version (backup previous version of course) or to create a copy of the file marked with time of save operation;
(3) A handy dialog to restore the necessary version of the file;
(4) Separate configuration for every file or default settings.
With AutoSaveXL recovering an old edition of the file will nnot be a nightmare anymore. And, the last but not the least, you will be able to review and compare different revisions of the file at the same time by easily opening then in two windows of MS Excel.
Человеческий разум, предоставленный самому себе, не заслуживает доверия. Ф. Бэкон
- в какой стадии находится борьба с пьянством - успешно пройдена первая стадия: ликвидирована закуска!
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