Email Remote Control
Версия: |
1.167 |
Автор: | Otiumation Inc. |
Лицензия: | Demo |
Скачать |
Цена: | $29.95 |
Email Remote Control allows you to monitor and contact your PC, receive files, appointments, personal contacts from your Home PC or work PC from anywhere in the world.
By using Email Remote Control, you will be able to send Email instructions from anywhere in the world and receive an immediate response from your home or your work PC.
Email Remote Control works in a very simple way: our small Email monitoring program keeps checking your Email box regularly, if it finds an email from you it reads it and follows your instructions.
This means that you don't have to setup a firewall and you don't need your own IP address.
You can send instructions to your PCs with simple English or you can setup the program to use any other language.
Features of Email Remote Control include:
Request files anywhere
Request entire folders
Search for a specific file
Request your appointments list anywhere
Request your address book or outlook contacts lists
Shutdown system remotely
Request a Video Frame from your PC Camera
Request Status of current application running on my system
Request Screen Capture
Request available instructions (help)
Receive last mouse motion
Request web site favorites
Request a list of most recent files
Email Remote Control is also a great tool to remotely monitor your kids' activities or the use of your PC.
For additional information call our sales department at (416) 658-9892 or e-mail us at [email protected].
Беда заключается в том, что хитрость помогает лишь один раз, а потом всегда лишь мешает. Д. Локк
-- Товарищ начальник, дайте мне, пожалуйста, две недели за свой счет! -- Помилуйте! Да вы только что вернулись из отпуска! -- Но я собираюсь жениться! -- Почему же вы не женились во время отпуска? -- Просто не хотел портить себе отдых!
Конечно, счастье не зависит от количества денег. Но лучше плакать в лимузине, чем в автобусе.