Emailserver detector
Версия: |
1.60 |
Автор: | chenziyi |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $49 |
Emailserver detector is a software designed to directly search email addresses from mail servers. It can verify all user names that you specified on the mail server.The program tries to connect with a specail Smtp-server and simulates sending the message. It does not come to the message sending ,in fact,It disconnect as soon as mail server informs does this address exist or not.The program is multi-threaded that provides the high speed of verifying. Using this software, you can get lots of email addresses from a special email server,For example :Hotmail.com .It can also send message to valid email addresses while searching.It has Embeded in a SMTP server that quickly send mass email directly to recipients.No use your ISP'S SMTP server.You can also save the valid email addresses to a one-per line text file.
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