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» Fax
FaxMail for Windows
Send and Receive fax. FaxMail for Windows 3.1x/95/98/ME adds a [Fax] button to Windows Programs giving you access to all the Fax Machines in the world making them become your printers.
32bit Fax
Send/Receive fax from Single computer or Network; for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/2003/XP is 32bit, and will work standalone or on a network. You can try it for FREE. If you have one fax modem and you want 1 - 1000 workstations to send/receive fax.
Advanced Call Center
An advanced, yet simple-to-use telephone tware answering machine for your voice modem. All the features you'd expect are supported: call monitoring and logging, Caller ID with pop-ups and voice alerts, "white" and "black" lists, and others.
Gate-and-Way Fax
Any LAN user can send faxes simply printing to a virtual Windows printer.
Incoming / Outgoing faxes will be routed to client's e-mail in PDF format.
Other Gate-and-Way's modules: Mail, Fax, Internet, Voice, RAS. All them centrally managed.
Able Fax Tif View
Able Fax Tif View is a FAX and TIFF viewer and converter, offers you a full solution for viewing, editing, printing, saving, converting.
Able Fax Tif View can convert FAX and TIFF files to standard TIFF/FAX format, jpeg, png, bmp, pcx, gif, dib, rle
PhoneWorks 2002 is an easy-to-use and powerful telephone, voice mail answering system, and fax messaging solution for your PC. PhoneWorks solves your messaging problems by dramatically simplifying how you read, listen to, and manage your information.
Interfax is a utility that lets you send faxes from your computer, using your internet connection. Simply type out the fax, enter the name who it's going to, enter the FULL international fax number and a subject for the fax and click on SEND.
fax@NET Server
fax@NET Server receives fax messages (modem and ISDN) and sends them via SMTP to your mailaccount. You can send your faxes easily via the WebClient, the fax@NET Printer or programmatically via a TCP socket communication.
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