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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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Wipe It Off

The all new version of Wipe It Off comes with tons of new features and benfits. New web page sections like Interactive User Forums, helps you answer a lot of your online privacy issues.

ViceVersa PRO

ViceVersa PRO - File Synchronization, File Replication, Backup Software - delivers an easy way to backup, mirror, replicate and synchronize files and folders. ViceVersa works with any type of storage media and on laptop, desktop, servers.


URenameIT is an easy to use utility for renaming files and editing MP3 tags. Transform poorly named files into intelligently named ones with a few clicks! URenameIT has a robust feature set to accomplish any renaming task or file property change.


Are your files too big for a standard disk? Or does your eMail box restrict the size of an individual eMail? Then WinSplit is your tool of choice! It splits your files into chunks of the size you need and puts them back together again.

visual|catalogues Professional

Visual Catalogues Professional:- Create a searchable multimedia catalog of unlimited records. Jpgs,wmv mpg movies, sound, other files, unlimited documents, captions, notes, html essays. Publish to a web site, CD-rom, CD Business Card or a network


XXCOPY is a powerful superset of XCOPY using the same syntax. It can copy, remove, search, and list files/directories. Can clone a bootable drive. An extremely able batch enhancer.

WinOne - Super Command Shell for Windows

WinOne is a Command Language Interpreter, similar in concept to the shell CMD.EXE


Command-line tool for deleting files after a given number of days. Delete old tmp files, log files and orphaned directories. Can check based upon last accessed date.

Turbo Browser Express

Turbo Browser Express is a superb file management and viewer program with a set of the most comprehensive built-in viewers. It is the only program that lets you manage and view remote (FTP) server files as if they are on your local computer.

TreeSize Professional

Powerful and flexible harddisk space manager. TreeSize Professional shows you the size, allocated and wasted space, 3D charts, last access date, file owner, NTFS compression rate and more. The results can be printed or exported. Obsolete file search.

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Кто мешает тебе выдумать порох непромокаемым?
К. Прутков


-- Бедняжка мои муж! Ему повезло только после смерти,-
говорит вдова.
-- Как после смерти?
-- Когда ему рыли могилу, наткнулись на нефть.


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