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» File Manager
Today's average PC hard drive has as much as dozens of thousands of various files on it. Use Frigate 3 to manage your files effectively! Do it with comfort and a touch of style! Forget the Explorer madness - enjoy convenient file management!
DesignWorks Lite
With DesignWorks Lite you can: Draw, save, edit and print complete, professional circuit diagrams using powerful features like bussing, multi-level Undo/Redo, and automatic gate packaging.
DRAWGANIZER is a powerful easy-to-use GRAPHICAL file manager program. Easily AUTOMATE Windows tasks, such as backups, printing, searching for files and launching applications. Hundreds of uses. Control each stage of a task or run it automatically.
AB Commander LITE
A simple in use file manager and Explorer replacement with dual-panel user interface, toolbar, command prompt, folder navigation tools, and more. Closely integrated with the Windows user interface, fully supports shell extensions. FREE.
AB Commander ME
A powerful yet simple to use dual-panel file manager with built-in file splitter, folder synchronizer, image viewer, full-featured text editor and more. Evaluation version is fully functional. http://winability.com/
Directory Opus
The latest version of the very popular Directory Opus is an extremely powerful and configurable File Manager/Explorer Replacement for Windows. PCPlus Magazine (UK) said of Opus "The best File Manager and Windows Explorer Replacement known to man."
AB Commander XP
A powerful yet simple to use dual-panel file manager with built-in file splitter, folder synchronizer, image viewer, full-featured text editor and more. Evaluation version is fully functional. http://winability.com/
AistXSearch - good fast viewer, can to see music and video files.
Convenient for work with Explorer, Total(Windows) Commander, Far, allow to see
all photo, video, music in folder or disk, with what the deep level of investments was not.
File Tutelary
File Tutelary is a shareware to encrypt files and decrypt files by your own password quickly and securly. You can encrypt any file with a password so your documents are kept safe away from prying eyes. It also includes many features such as step by
Today's average PC hard drive has as much as dozens of thousands of various files on it. Use Frigate 3 to manage your files effectively! Do it with comfort and a touch of style! Forget the Explorer madness - enjoy convenient file management!
Ни один жанр литературы не содержит столько вымысла, сколько биографический. У. Чэннинг
- почему в СССР нет безработицы - потому что все заняты - одни строят, другие - ломают.
Хорошо после бани, особенно первый месяц..