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» Utilities
» Files
Ever had the problem that you frequently use a file type with more than one application, while you can only associate one application with that file type? OpenExpert let's you configure a "open with"... submenu for every filetype.
IDAutomation RSS Composite Image Generator
The IDAutomation RSS (Reduced Space Symbology) Composite Image Generator is a bar code image generation application that is used to create and paste barcodes into other applications.
IDAutomation Barcode Image Generator
This Barcode Image Generator is a bar code image generation application that is used to create and paste barcodes into other applications. It is also used to generate high quality graphic barcode image files.
FileName Pro
Whether you have a few or thousands of files to rename, FileName Pro can rename your files in seconds. Files can be named based on any number of file naming schemes you can configure, even move files to a new folder. Includes undo.
Files Comparer
Files Comparer is a visual tool for files and directories comparison. It has a number of simple and convenient features that many users have been expecting for a long time from a comparison program.
Кто много думает, тот мало говорит, стараясь втиснуть возможно больше мыслей в немногие слова. В. Ирвинг
- что такое "сиськи-масиськи", "письки-мисиськи", "кому сисиськи"? - это Брежневу в докладе встретились слова "систематический", "пессимистический", "коммунистический".
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