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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

Fishing Expert

  Версия: 4.0a
Автор:Strat-Tech, Inc.
Скачать Цена:$25.95


FISHING EXPERT V4.0 - A program which contains fishing patterns and techniques as well as a fishing logs. Recommended BEST by Pros in BASSMASTERS magazine. OUTDOOR LIFE recommends the program in previous issues. You select conditions you fish under and program gives 400 proven methods to catch fish. Library, Whatif analysis, recipes. Bass, walleye, crappie, musky, trout, and boat control databases with purchase. IBM PC, Windows 95/98/NT/2000, 4mg memory, Pentium. The system is based on recent research on fish behavior and involves a literature search of recent writings in the area. We found a consensus of opinions in these writings and use the consensus as the basis for determining the data base which includes possible fishing conditions and the best methods for the conditions. The data base contains hundreds of possibilities which the expert system links to automatically. The expert system is a popular technology used for relaying complex information in an area. Doctors use expert systems to diagnose illnesses, and we apply the expert system concept to fishing. Variables: Type of fish sought: largemouth bass, trout (rainbow, brook, brown), walleye, musky, panfish (bluegill, crappie). Time of Day: morning, midday, afternoon, night. (night includes dawn and dusk hours) Time of Year: spring, summer, autumn, winter (for panfish icefishing you could easily find other game fish near the panfish). Type of Water: lake (not the Great Lakes), river, stream. Water Clarity: clear, murky/muddy. Water Depth: shallow, medium, deep. Weather: sunny, overcast, light rain, medium rain, heavy rain. Wind: calm or light, medium, high. Spawn: pre-spawn, spawning, post-spawn. Weed conditions: surface, submerged. Water Temperature: cold (below 55 degrees), medium (56-70 degrees), warm (71 degrees and up). Water Bottom: sand, rock, mud. Pressure System: high, low coming in.



Высшее, к чему может стремиться человеческая мысль, - это выйти за свои собственные пределы, придя к парадоксу.
С. Кьеркегор


-- Дорогая,-- обращается кавалер к своей даме после дли-
тельного и утомительного блуждания по залам выставки модер-
нистского искусства,-- обрати внимание, как трогательно смотрят-
ся два простеньких реалистичных силуэта, на фоне нагромождений
абсолютно непонятных монстров!
-- Говори, пожалуйста, тише! Это же таблички на дверях туалетов.


Тост про женщин: Не так хорошо с Вами, как плохо без Вас.

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