
Версия: |
1.0 |
Автор: | Sausage Software NW, LLC |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $79.95 |
Flashpoint is a low cost yet versatile tool to create eye-catching presentations with streaming audio for playback over the web or directly from your PC, laptop or hand-held. The output format is standard HTML and Flash. FlashPoint is cross-platform presentationware meaning that anyone with the Flash player installed can veiw it. Over one half billion users to it's credit.
Using a simple drag and drop interface, you assemble your presentation in "pages", just as you would with a word processor. Drag in images, sound files (MP3), create formatted text and basic shapes. If you like you can specify animations for each element on the page, as well as a page "transition" effect for both entrance and exit. Then click the "publish" button to package your presentation in a format that can be viewed in just about any modern web browser.
For multi-page presentations, the navigation buttons are created for you. No messing around with timelines, layers or scripting is necessary, as Flashpoint is specifically designed for creating multi-page presentations commonly used in electronic sales brochures and catalogues, splash screens, slideshows and student projects.
Многочисленность законов в государстве есть то же, что большое число лекарей: признак болезни и бессилия. Ф. Вольтер
-- Держу пари, что мой сосед на этой неделе опять гнал са- могон,-- говорит один хозяин другому. -- Почему ты так решил? -- Его кролики опять набили морду моей собаке.
Критиковать - значит объяснять автору, что он делает не так, как делал бы я, если бы умел