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Advanced Font Viewer
Advanced Font Viewer is a program with the user-friendly interface that allows simultaneous viewing of all fonts installed on a system. An example text for each font is displayed alongside. The program allows managing and printing your fonts as well.
Bar Code 3 of 9
Print bar code 3/9 directly from Windows using TrueType fonts. Includes standard and human readable versions of barcode 3/9 each in six different aspect ratios. VBA functions for Excel and Access, Word label templates, and Bar39 utility program.
IDAutomation PDF417 Font and Encoder
Our PDF417 Font and Encoder enables printing of high density PDF417 barcodes with TrueType, PCL and PostScript fonts. Includes Applet, Servlet, Java Library, DLLs and examples for Excel, Word, Access, Java, .NET and Crystal Reports.
IDAutomation Interleaved 2 of 5 Font Advantage
Our Interleaved 2 of 5 Font Advantage Package is much more than a few barcode fonts. With this package you get 24 different ITF font versions (including 6 sizes and bearer bar fonts) in 6 different font formats for Windows, Macintosh and Linux.
Bar Codes and More
Print your own bar codes from Windows! This set contains 14 TrueType bar code fonts: 2/5, 2/5 interleaved, 3/9, OCR, PostNet, and UPC-A fonts. Includes VBA functions for Excel and Access, Word label templates, and our BarMore utility program.
GeigerScript-C ... the one and only type face that looks like it has been written by hand. Type faces often don't work like they were really written by hand. The GeigerScript-C - type face is really remarkable. It has been established by the fully natural hand-writing of a graphic designer. The GeigerScript-C - type face looks very clearly and is easily and quickly to read. The GeigerScript-C - type face is an excellent piece of equipment. 4 Fonts.
CrossFont for Windows 95,98,NT,2000,XP converts TrueType and PostScript Type1 fonts between Macintosh and PC platforms. Features: automatic file recognition, drag and drop, folder searching, font outlines and hints are preserved, OS X dfont support.
HVFULLSC - Video Card and CPI Fonts
The HVFULLSC package allows you to replace the poor quality full screen OEM VGA hardware fonts provided in Windows Codepage Information files and Video Graphics card's ROM BIOS with Procon's High Visibility HVFont.
Text creation tool that produces graphics for use in presentations and on the Web. You can deform the text and use textures. Use shadow and edge effects to make the text look fantastic! You can also add a border and a background texture.
Индивидуальность человека несравненно чаще проявляется не в уме, а в характере. Илья Шевелев
Один богач одолжил на пару дней вола и не возвращает. Мужик уже не знает, что делать. Вот проходит он мимо богача и громко говорит, вроде сам с собой разговаривает: -- Если пан из панов, настоящий, то отдаст вола уже сегод- ня, а если пан так себе, из мужиков, тогда не отдаст и завтра. Пан услыхал это и отдал вола.
Гром не грянет - свинья не съест.