Версия: |
2.2 |
Автор: | 2VG Group |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $11.95 |
The tetris game with amazing graphics and original interface. It includes both the standard tetris game and another popular variations of this game. There are 8 levels of the game. The best scores are published in Internet. You can choose the interface of the program, wallpaper on the game area, appearance and form of figures, and create your own figure sets. Also you can change sound schemes. The standard package contains a lot of sound schemes, figure sets and wallpapers. You can easily play the game at your workplace (ESC key quickly hides the program to the tray area (near the clock)). You can find dozens of skins, sets of pictures, and sounds for the game on our site. If you wish, you can create the game of your dream by creating your own skins, sets of pictures and sounds.
Хорошо высказываешь только ту любовь, которой не чувствуешь. А. Карр
Негр сидит в сквере на лавочке и читает еврейскую газету мимо проходит еврей: - ха! Ему еще мало того, что он негр!
Товарищ курсант, не делайте умное лицо, не забывайте, что вы будущий офицер.