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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

HackerWacker Personal Edition

Автор:Streiff Information Services
Скачать Цена:$34.99


HackerWacker Personal Edition 2 is a new update to our popular HWPE software. HWPE 2 monitors and logs URLS, keystrokes, Open Windows, and File and Shell Activity. An optional Filtering feature allows you to log to a fifth log for words and strings you define. All logs and data are encrypted for maximum security, and automatically decrypted when viewed. Other features include stealth mode option, hot key access, Email logs, Monitoring and logging across your home network, LAN or the Internet in real-time with an optional add-on product HWIN, and much more. Logs may be sent to a decrypted comma delimited text file for importation into thousands of other applications for storage or further analysis from our exclusive viewer. Our HackerWacker Viewer automatically displays decrypted log files, which may be sorted on any column and exported to various media: a text file, email, or printer. SMTP email setup is much more user friendly with optional auto-configure so users without SMTP access can still use SMTP capabilities by using a free email service. Screens may be captured when a user-defined word filter is detected resulting in the capture of the desktop image in standard JPEG format for further investigation. Screens may be captured for every detection encountered or just capture the last detection. HWPE 2 is invisible on the task lists in Windows, and other stealth options include hiding the HWPE program folder from casual users, locking out registry editing tools, and disabling the task switching keys like CTRL+ALT+DEL and ALT+TAB in Windows 9X, or the task button in Windows NT, 2000. With optional Network support with our HWIN product, you can monitor and log across a network centrally, thus not even storing any log files on the client PC. With HWIN, you can issue remote commands to the HWPE 2 client remotely. All log files are stored uniquely by type and with user name and capture the user name, date, time, PC Name, record number, activity detected.



Не отнимай ни у кого убеждений, способствующих его счастью, если не можешь дать ему лучших.
К. Лафатер


Родился у чукчи сын. Принесли его в загс регистрировать.
-- Фамилия?
-- Юкагир.
-- Имя, отчество?
-- Митрофан Степанович.
-- Национальность?
-- Китаец.
-- Послушай, ты -- чукча, жена твоя -- чукча. Какой же он
-- Это мой третий ребенок. А в газете написано, что каждый
третий ребенок, который рождается в мире,-- китаец.


Каждая сосиска хочет стать колбасой!

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