Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  


  Версия: 2.02
Автор:CyTeG (CyberTech group)
Скачать Цена:$25


"Hara-Kiri" (ex "Dontouch") is a radical way to keep your confidential data away from unauthorized access by "self-destructing" The files that you specify. How it works: While Windows is starting up it checks to see if you are pressing a combination of certain keys. If those keys are not being pressed, The files in a determined folders will be completely erased (without the possibility of reconstructing them with utilities like "UnErase" and "Undelete"). Once it deletes the folders it will delete itself from the disk so that the perpetrator has no idea that there was once sensitive data on the disk! Uses: This program is useful in the case that your computer is stolen, Or if your computer is infiltrated by unwanted users. Imagine several situation, when "Hara-Kiri" may be useful for you: 1. Your PC is stolen Malefactor runs your computer with hope to profit by important secrets of your firm... But he don't know that it is necessary to press a combination of certain keys while Windows is starting up! And secrets silently and secretly are deletet from disc... 2. You are under suspicion that during your absence your wife/husband/colleagues/mammy (to underline the required) rummage in your private folders... Install "Hara-Kiri" and... see the paragraph upper... 3. You are a secret agent and have dealings with confidential information... Suddenly enemies burst into your headquarters... You, don't stopping skirmish :-), are clicking on "Hara-Kiri" shortcut or press hot key and... even tortures will not help them to profit by important secrets...



Научить человека быть счастливым нельзя, но воспитать его так, чтобы он был счастливым, можно.
А.С. Макаренко


Встретились два друга. Один обращается к другому:
-- Видишь это окно?
- Да.
-- В прошлом году я каждый день посылал туда тысячи воз-
душных поцелуев, а в этом году каждый месяц пятьсот крон. Сча-
стье такое изменчивое...


Расширенный пятый утренний парадокс .... водку??? Теплую??? Из мыльниц??? КОHЕЧHО БУДУ!!!

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