Hormonal Forecaster - Fertility Software
Версия: |
3.0 |
Автор: | Brian Frackelton |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $25 |
The Hormonal Forecaster easily charts ovulation and fertility to help you achieve or avoid conception and pregnancy by charting the most fertile days of a woman's cycle. The program uses Natural Family Planning techniques such as symptothermal fertility, basal body temperatures, cervical mucus observations, and the calendar method. Let the program do all the calculations for you or utilize the fertility charting feature to interpret your own ovulation charts. The Hormonal Forecaster also generates personal statistics based upon recorded data. You can chart up to 20 moods and/or behaviors telling you everything such as what days you're prone to have headaches, be full of energy, experience menstrual cramps, or anything else you're interested in tracking.
The fertility feature allows you to see exactly which days of your cycle you will be ovulating with an automatically computed margin of error. The program generates symptothermal charts (ovulation charts) based upon basal body temperatures and/or cervical mucus observations. Use the fertility meter for a one stop fertility summary, or interpret your own generated symptothermal ovulation charts. Users not interested in temperature readings and recording observations can also take advantage of the simplicity of fertility calculations and graphing done via the calendar method. The program's 'Pregnancy Advisory' chart allows you to graphically see which days you will be most fertile and therefore most likely to become pregnant.
In addition to fertility, the Hormonal Forecaster allows you to track personal moods, behaviors, or actions. Based upon the recorded occurrences, the program utilizes the predictable nature of human beings to predict future occurrences. Find patterns in the mood swings you experience. A personal six day forecast warns you of highly probable events while other graphs allow you to see how certain events are related to the days of the week, your menstrual cycle, and/or the lunar cycle.
Гораздо важнее знать, что делается, чем делать то, что знаешь. Боэций
1917 год. Ленин пришел в баню. Свободных шаек нет. Недалек сидит пролетарий - в одной шайке моется, в другой ноги парит. Ле- нин - к нему: - товагищ, уступите одну шаечку! - пошел на х...! Ленин отошел, побродил, шайки не нашел и снова подходит: - товагищ, это не по-коммунистически - у вас две шайки, а у меня - ни одной! - пошел на х... , а то щас как е...у шайкой по лысине! Через пятьдесят лет. Председатель собрания: - а сейчас перед вами выступит с воспоминаниями старый рабо- чий, который два раза беседовал с Лениным!
Перевожу с немецкого и армянского на Ваганьковское.