Hosting Controller Software
Версия: |
6.0 |
Автор: | Advanced Communication |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $500 |
Hosting Controller is an add-on to your Windows based hosting server. It automates all hosting tasks and give full control of each website into hands of respective owners without compromising any security. In addition to Microsoft products, it supports most third party products that are commonly used by hosting providers as a standard.
With its support for nine Email servers, four DNS servers, two FTP servers, four Statistics servers, two database servers, all major payment gateways including Paypal and two domain registrars, HC fits in 95% of existing businesses involved in Windows based hosting.
In addition HC supports distributed environment where hosts keep their DNS and Email servers on separate boxes (possibly on Linux as well). This allows HC owners to flexibly design their server structure, provide extra reliability of Linux for high traffic applications like DNS and Email and still provide the best of Windows hosting to their users.
HC uses the best security practices in the industry today to configure Windows servers as best as possible in a shared hosting environment; all done automatically in the background.
The product has full billing features in it tightly integrated with industry's best plan manager and invoicing/accounting system specially made for shared hosting companies.
The product is time tested since 1999 and is being used by hundreds of small to large hosting companies worldwide including Interland.com
In addition to this HC comes bundled with FREE software like an Email server, a website statistics server and a forums applications.
The product comes with 24x6 free live support and is now available in all major languages of the world including Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, Chinese, Korean, French, German, Italian, Persian and Arabic.
Видишь, душистым огнем блистает эфир благовонный, Пламя сияньем своим ударяет по золоту храмов. Овидий
-- Вот на этом фото мне пять лет. -- Извините, выходит, лысина была у вас уже в том возрасте? -- Да нет, вы же держите фотографию вверх ногами!
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