
IGES Import for AutoCAD
Версия: |
1.0 |
Автор: | Floating Point Solutions Private Limited |
Лицензия: | Commercial |
Скачать |
Цена: | $200 |
IGES Import for AutoCAD is a plug-in for AutoCAD 2000, 2000i, 2002 and 2004. This plug-in gives AutoCAD the ability to import geometric data from ASCII IGES files.
The Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (.IGES) file format standard was developed to address the incompatibility issue with various CAD/CAM systems. This standard allows efficient and accurate exchange of product definition data across almost all CAD/CAM systems.
IGES files contain graphical data in the form widely accepted by most CAD/CAM systems. IGES Import for AutoCAD converts this geometric data into corresponding AutoCAD entities and adds them to the contents of the currently opened AutoCAD drawing.
IGES Import for AutoCAD is very easy to use. It adds a new command to AutoCAD called "IGESIN". Simply type "IGESIN" at the AutoCAD command prompt and select an IGES file to import.
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