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Delphi components  

ISO Commander

  Версия: 1.5.050
Автор:TurtleBlast Software
Скачать Цена:$29.95


ISO Commander is CD/DVD images management utility. Among utility main features are CD/DVD bootable images creation and changing, direct images editing, convention from BIN/ISO/DAO/TAO/NRG images into standard ISO file and much more. You able to do the following operations: • Edit image files and folders using drag'n'drop. • Create image from files on your hard disc drive. • Add to the new or existing image boot image and also change or delete it. • Add, delete, rename and extract files and folders from the image. • Convert different images formats into standard ISO format. • Open CD/DVD disc as image, edit it and save result in the ISO image. • Create CD/DVD image by one mouse click. Additional ISO Commander features are: • Microsoft Windows XP standard interface that simplified your first program usage and also has many possibilities for expert work. • SuperLong file and folders names (up to 110 symbols). • Customizable toolbar. • Customizable reaction to the user actions. • Automatically image identification; • Files adding from the Microsoft Explorer and other file shells using drag'n'drop. • Bootable diskette copying into image compatible with WinImage format. • Files and folders find in the image using its names and ?,* symbols. • Detailed editable information about image. • Absolutely safe edited image saving. • And mush more, some features are unique.



Один факт - случайность. Два - преднамеренность. Три - тенденция.
В. Солоухин


По одесскому причалу к пароходу "Сергей Есенин" торопитс
мамаша с маленьким сыном.
- мама, кто такой Сергей Есенин? - спрашивает сын.
- отстань!
Сзади идет биндюжник и встревает в разговор:
- мальчик, ну откуда мама может знать, что "Сергей Есенин"
- это бывший "Лазарь Каганович"?


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