Illustrated Book of Trees
Версия: |
1.0 |
Автор: | E-dition |
Лицензия: | Demo |
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Цена: | $12.95 |
An illustrated collection of poems. Written in imagistic style, the poems are both metaphysical and descriptive of trees and leaves and are photographically illustrated by the author, a former photojournalist and editor (as well as a published poet). This e-book will let you discover an other world where poetry is not only words that the poet re-arrange to convey a mental picture but it could be real pictures. The concept behind this e-book is that Ms Hart has supplied so much beautiful pictures and poems that it would have been a shame to distract the reader by multimedia effects. Then, I thought of the photo album concept. Most of photo albums, mine included, are bland. This one is not.
Если Бога нет, то какой же я после этого капитан? (высказывание капитана Лебядкина, "Бесы") Ф.М. Достоевский
Ехал мужик на телеге. А лошаденка слабая, худая, устала, еле ноги волочит. Рассердился мужик, запрягся сам, а лошадь при- вязал к телеге и говорит: -- Не хотела ехать, дуреха, так иди пешком.
Жизнь как у арбуза. Живот растёт, а конец сохнет