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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

ImageMatics Flash Publisher

  Версия: 1858
Скачать Цена:$49.95


Creates Flash multimedia slideshows from still images, self playing movies, web pages, auto play CD ROM, SWF (Flash). Provides transitions, pan & zoom, automatic Flash frame labels, advanced sound features, titles, annotation. Individual sound tracks may be applied to each slide, sound blending P makes sharing and showing off your photos a snap. Load your pictures in a folder and simply tell StillMotion Creator PE to create a slide show. Select Publish and you're done. Personal and professional applications. Creates Flash Frame labels. Just one click to Publish to do all this: " Create a slide show to view on your PC " Create a slide show you can e-mail as a self-extracting file. The recipient clicks on it and up it comes in its own player. " Create a screen saver for your PC " Generate a web page with your slide show in place. " Output a Flash compatible SWF file for with Frame Labels included for each slide for navigation and virtual tours. " Add music, titles, professional annotation, matting, matting, effects and much more " Advance sound features include individual soundtrack per slide, automatic show time to sound time option, easy insert editing, sound mixing controls per slide. EASY PE can quickly import your images into a slide sorter display. You can then change the order of the slides by simply dragging them around the sorter screen. Insert other entire folders, groups of images or select individual images to add from any source you choose. Image scaling and centering are all done automatically for you! You can drag and drop from folders so making your slide shows is easier than ever! POWERFUL Animated menus let you pick from dozens of transitions and effects. Add pan and zoom effects. You control the timing. Plus, a built in image editor lets you crop your photos, rotate them and correct brightness and contrast... all without leaving PE.



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мешком картошки! (аплодисменты).
- за отличную общественную работу товарищ Сидорова
награждается полным собранием сочинений Ленина! (аплодисменты,
смех, возгласы: "так ей, б..., и надо!")


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