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IDAutomation Barcode Image Generator
This Barcode Image Generator is a bar code image generation application that is used to create and paste barcodes into other applications. It is also used to generate high quality graphic barcode image files.
IDAutomation RSS Composite Image Generator
The IDAutomation RSS (Reduced Space Symbology) Composite Image Generator is a bar code image generation application that is used to create and paste barcodes into other applications.
Ace ImageBot
This is a powerful batch tool which assist You to perform different transformations with Your images. It gives You full control on image size, color model, file format and also it's content with which You can do everything You want: rotate, flip, res
Powerful and easy-to-use utility for convert bitmap and gif images to icon
Alt MP3 Screensaver Player
Play a musical slideshow from playlists of pictures and MP3 playlists. You don't need to generate single
executable screensaver - now you can select it from playlists - sets, where the places of resources and rules for its playing are given.
AAA ISeePicture
An image view and edit program with an easy-to-use interface and powerful functions. it gives you internal (built-in) support for many picture (and encoded) files and accesses to many powerful features.
CyberLat Screen Saver
CyberLat SCR allows you to add all the images you want to be displayed as a slide show with 128 transitions. Also you can play MP3 or midi files, wav events and add different backgrounds as images, gradients or plain colors. Try it, it's FREEWARE!!!!
Magic Flowers Screensaver
This screensaver shows images of beautiful flowers - red and white roses, exotic orchids,
violets, chrysanthemums, viols, daisies, tulips, carnations, dahlias, lilies, iris, water lily.
You'll see a single flower and splendid bouquets
Scan your entire system and extract the thousands of icons concealed within binary files. View these images in a convenient grid and save them to your hard disk as Icon (.Ico), Jpeg (.Jpg) or BitMap (.Bmp). Export all images at once, w/ one click
Advanced Menu Bar
Make a professional menu for your site with the Advanced Menu Bar ! Menus can pop up over HTML content, frames and even go over the browser window. The Advanced Menu Bar can even execute javascript functions. Source code also available.
Метафизические системы для философов - то же, что романы для женщин. Ф. Вольтер
-- Будьте любезны, скажите, могу ли я получить свидание с заключенным Брауном? -- Он только вчера освободился. Зайдите через месяц.
Температура кипения воды в танке - 90 градусов. Hет, 90 градусов - это прямой угол.