InstantRecovery Personal Edition
Версия: |
4.1 |
Автор: | NovaStor Corporation |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
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Цена: | $44.95 |
InstantRecovery is a self-contained disaster recovery solution for PCs. The disk imaging software quickly performs a "physical disk" image backup of any hard drive or partition directly to CD-R/CD-RW, hard disk, removable drives, tape drive, or file. New version 4.1s ability to backup to a file on a disks in cluding FireWire and USB hard drives means great flexibility on the creation and storage of your mirror images. Now you can keep multiple backups on an alternate hard drive, no more overwriting everything on your media! InstantRecovery also comes with advanced features for spanning media, software compression, data comparison and recovery. Backups created with InstantRecovery recover your system after a hard drive crash or similar failure where your data is lost. Fully restore your system without installing any of the original software or operating system! Just boot up from the InstantRecovery CD-ROM, insert the InstantRecovery image backup and InstantRecovery backup, and Presto! Everything is back exactly like you like it! Network support is available with InstantRecovery Professional version.
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Нелюбимая песня альпинистов: узелок завяжется, узелок развяжется..