Версия: |
2.5 |
Автор: | KeyFocus Ltd. |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $39 |
KF Whois makes it easy to look up and store domain registration details. It tracks changes to domain registrations and warns you when they are about to expire. Searching for accurate domain registration details is harder than ever. Deregulation has led to a rapid expansion in the number internet registrars, each with their own whois database. The new generic domains such as .biz and .name and the increasing importance of international country code domains make it even more complicated. KFWhois does the hard work for you in finding the right registrar for each domain and querying its whois database. This application saves you time and trouble in managing your vital domain name assets.
Когда мы рождаемся или умираем, мы делаем кому-нибудь больно! Из коллекции наших пользователей
Космонавты, запущенные в космос при Хрущеве, а вернувшиес при Брежневе, рапортовали: - готовы выполнить задание любого советского правительства!
"...он к устам моим приник и вырвал..." (Пушкин А.С.)