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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

Living Wilderness

  Версия: 1.0
Автор:RI Soft Systems
Скачать Цена:$14.95


Living Wilderness transports you deep into the forest for a journey into the wild. Watch this mountain scene as various animals come and go. Animals include deer in the background strolling and nibbling, a gaggle of geese flying and honking in the air, a squirrel frolicking on the tree and a chipmunk nattering on a rock in the foreground. Add realistic sound effects and soothing guitar music in the background and your desktop is a complete wilderness experience. The full version includes more animals, including woodpeckers, eagles, and wolves with even more animal and nature sounds, plus the ability to turn on and off both the sounds and background music.



История подобна гвоздю, на который можно повесить все, что угодно.
А. Дюма


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руга не дала мне рта раскрыть!


Рулевое управление служит для поворота налево,направо и в другие стороны.

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