Версия: |
1.1 |
Автор: | Soft-AID Computers Pvt Ltd |
Лицензия: | Demo |
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Цена: | $49 |
Visitor Management software for Vistor badges with photograph. Corporate Lobbies, Government buildings, Schools and many such places have the requirements for creating a temporary visitor badge . Normally, just a sticker is issued as a visitor badge but identifying the person is not possible because of such badges. The visitor register where every visitor fills-in all the details is not very useful because searching through the information is virtually impossible. Lobbytech is a simple system which helps in creating a badge with just two steps. Design your own badge : Every organization would like to design a badge as per their own requirement. The safety declarations , logo of the organization etc. can also be placed on the badge.Create a badge : The badge is shown in the same manner in which it will be printed. One can simply fill in the information at various points and generate badge would print a badge exactly it is seen on the screen.Sign Out : When the visitor leaves the organization he/she can be signed out . This would get you the details aboutall the visitors in your organization at any given point of time. Reports : You can create a daily / monthly report which will be the visitor register. One can search the visits by a specific visitor or even based on his/her organization.
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- будьте здоровы! - говорит милиционер чихнувшему прохоже му. - спасибо, как вы культурны, товарищ милиционер. - а как же! Нас за некультурность е..т!
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