Lucigenic DNS
Версия: |
1.1 |
Автор: | Lucigenic Inc. |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
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Цена: | $149 |
Lucigenic DNS is an advanced Domain Name Server query component packaged as a COM server. Lucigenic DNS provides a simple application interface for domain name server lookups. Synchronous as well as asynchronous queries are supported. The component has a scalable event driven architecture. Lucigenic DNS supports the concurrent creation of an arbitrarily large number of query sessions. Queries are persisted to an in-memory database and query results can be retrieved at any subsequent point in time.
Lucigenic DNS is a self-contained, very small footprint component that does not require any runtimes for it's operation. The component can be used in all development environments that support COM. A .Net assembly is included for interoperation with managed code.
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