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Delphi components  

Luxena dbExpress driver for Informix Pro

  Версия: 1.1.5
Автор:Luxena Software Company
Скачать Цена:$149


This driver is designed for use with Borland dbExpress components and for administration of the Informix database server. The driver uses the Informix Client API without any intermediate layers like BDE or ADO. This ensures an excellent performance and reliability. The driver is very good BDE and ADO alternative. Luxena dbExpress driver for Informix Pro main features: - BLOB, CLOB, LVARCHAR and other complex data types can be easily accessed via the driver as it supports all Informix data types; - Easy deployment. Due to the connection string feature, all Informix connectivity parameters may be adjusted in the application (setnet32 is no longer needed); - Application server performance is much improved, especially compared to Borland driver based solutions; - Query execution break (an exclusive feature of the driver) gives your applications even more control over database communication; - Using the driver Pro you can access the Informix connection area, allowing you to gain more functionality based on specific Informix features.



Из двух ссорящихся более виноват тот, кто умнее.
И. Гете


Один шутник подъехал на осле к мясной лавке Афанди и
-- Эй, мясник, отвали-ка мне мяса! -- Затем, подъехав к
прилавку вплотную, шепнул: -- Полфунта ...
-- Хорошо, господин! -- громко крикнул Афанди.-- Столько
мяса не увезти на осле. Я сам привезу его вам на лошади.


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