Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

MICR Font Set

  Версия: 3.3
Автор:Elfring Fonts, Inc
Скачать Цена:$134.5


Want to print your own checks on your laser printer from Windows? The bottom sequence of numbers on a check must be printed in a special font called MICR or E-13B. This font includes the numbers 0 through 9 and four special characters: On-Us, Transit, Amount, and Dash. MICR printing can be done on any laser printer, provided you purchase a special magnetic toner cartridges for it. Note that MICR printing must be exceedingly accurate. This package includes a number of variations of the MICR font (E-13B), plus instructions and calibration routines to ensure the checks you print will work at your bank. This is the only MICR font set you will find that comes with an automatic calibration program! All fonts are designed to meet ANSI standard X9.27-1995. When printing checks, you also need a secure way way to print the amount and name of the person the check is payable to. This package also includes six different Secure Fonts. They let you print payee names and check amounts in dollars, pounds sterling, euros, or the yen that are very hard to alter. Note: Optio software users need our LaserJet version., not the TrueType version.



Усердный врач подобен пеликану.
К. Прутков


-- Синьор, прошу вас, дайте мне тысячу лир, я с самого утра
ничего не ел.
-- Я тоже...
-- Тогда дайте две тысячи, и я приглашаю вас поужинать со


Она была лишена девственности стрелой амура

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