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» Mail Tools
Mail Merge Toolkit
Mail Merge Toolkit is powerful add-in for Microsoft Office to extend mail merging capabilities in Outlook, Word and Publisher. Allows to insert data fields into subject field, add attachments, send emails in GIF, HTML, RTF and text formats.
Advanced Email Extractor
Program is designed to extract e-mail addresses from web-pages on the Internet and from HTML and text files on local disks. AEE has various limiters of scanning range; you can use 330+ popular search engines for search by keywords.
Advanced Folders Watch
Monitoring of new mail messages and posts appearing in Outook folders and public folders on MS Exchange Server. Wide set of filters, passive and/or active user notifications. Work as add-in to Microsoft Outlook 2000/XP/2003.
Mailing List Wizard
Excluding duplicated emails in mailing lists, correcting misspelled addresses using unique algorithms, filtering lists by varied criteria, merging lists, making exclusions, supplement lists with address owner names, and also many other things.
ExAlert for Windows Messenger
ExAlert is an add-in for Windows Messenger designed to inform a user about new messages received in his/her mailbox on the Microsoft Exchange 2000 server. ExAlert works together with Microsoft Outlook, you may open new message in one click.
Duplicate Email Remover
Delete duplicate emails and posts in Outlook, MS Exchange Server folders and mailboxes; searching across the folders. A duplicate found also could be marked, copied or moved to any folder. Work as add-in for MS Outlook 2000/XP/2003. Free trial.
Email Scheduler
Monitors the list of tasks in Outlook. Once the task containing a keyword in subject field and one or several messages attached gets activated, the corresponding action is taken: either the message is sent to recipient or it is opened for editing.
Advanced Email Extractor PRO
Program is designed to extract e-mail addresses from web-pages on the Internet and from HTML and text files on local disks. AEE has various limiters of scanning range; you can use 302 popular search engines for search by keywords.
Еще фараон знал секрет повиновения: чтобы держать народ в страхе, карай не виноватых, карай невинных. Неизв.
Англичанин говорит: -- У нас при раскопках XVIII века нашли куски проволоки. Это говорит о том, что уже тогда у нас существовал проволочный телеграф! Русский: -- А у нас ничего не нашли, что говорит о существовании беспроволочного телеграфа.
Женщина говоpит пpавду, только тогда, когда хочет скpыть за ней ложь.