Версия: |
1.24 |
Автор: | Mailgov |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $29.99 |
Do you have more than one email account? Are you fed up with Junk Mail? Mailgov will pull your webmail and other email accounts without junk mail so you need only check one. Blackberry users can now access their webmail on their Blackberry.
New mail plug-in's are being built for Mailgov all the time allowing you to pull from virtually any email account and push mail to others in order to consolidate mailboxes and eliminate spam.
Even closed web mailbox systems are not off limits to mailgov. We use a
plug-in type approach so upgrading becomes just a matter of dropping in a
file. New mail plug-in's are being built for Mailgov all the time allowing you to pull from virtually any email account and push mail to others in order to consolidate mailboxes.
A few key features
- Moves to any SMTP compliant mail server such as Hotmail, Yahoo, Worldmail, AOL, Earthlink, most corporate mail servers, etc.... This can allow you to use yahoo messenger, and AIM to notify you of Hotmail or Yahoo mail as well.
- Optional DNS Lookups on email addresses to see if senders are frauds
- Very simple to use, Just add accounts and specify the username and password as well as where you want the mail moved to.
- Very customizable junk mail filter prevents spam from being forwarded
- Plug-in oriented. You can add/update/remove support for new types of mail systems to retrieve from. Hotmail and Yahoo are the first, many more coming soon. This allows us to simply update the plug in if protocols or Webmails change.
- Preserves the sender's address so you can reply if receiving on a wireless device.
- Configurable port and server
Кто умеет льстить, умеет и клеветать. Наполеон I
Муж купил бутылку, принес домой. Куда бы спрятать от же- ны? Думал-думал, и решил: надежнее всего -- в часы с кукушкой. Жена приходит на обеденный перерыв и спрашивает: -- Почему часы остановились? -- Не знаю. Приближается два часа дня -- время открытия винно-во- дочного магазина. Открывается дверка, кукушка спрашивает: -- А который час? -- Уже два часа. -- Тогда: ку-ку, ку-ку!
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