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Javascript SlideToolTip
Javascript SlideToolTip is a powerful Javascript-producing design tool for creating tooltip on web pages. The tooltip will slide out from the bottom of the page if user moves mouse over the link which has specified tooltip.
Javascript PopWin EX
Javascript PopWin EX is a Javascript-producing design tool for creating popup window which will load the specified page into the popup window. The popup window can be closed automatically after specified time.
Happy Scroller Menus
This is a scroller java menu applet suitable for a sidebar navigation layout with the menu positioned at the side of your page. Messages of your choice display one after the other, and each message can be hyperlinked as a menu item.
Happy Sliding Menus
These are sliding java menu applets available in numerous themes and suitable for sidebar navigation. Includes easy-to-use online configuration tool. Support for true-type fonts, multi-state user-defined icons, multiple event triggers and more.
JavaScript CheckerBoard PopMenu
Creates professional menus with checkerboard effects for web pages. With this easy-to-use web menu development tool, you can create a professional script just in minutes!
on your screen, then Capture-It! with ease: By residing in the system tray, Capture-It!
can be quickly accessed to capture different types of screen shots, including
area, windows, objects, menus and video or GIF animations.
Mouse Keyboard Wizard
Lets you type using your mouse. The keyboard can be customized. The Keys can moved around, hidden and resized. Any you click on will send that letter to the last application that had focus.
A Scrolling Text Applet - Now Free.
Provide an animated look and feel to your web pages. Scrolling Text is a Java applet that will automatically size itself to the available area given to it by the HTML form via the WIDTH and HEIGHT properties of the APPLET tag. Now FREE.
Advanced Menu Bar
Make a professional menu for your site with the Advanced Menu Bar ! Menus can pop up over HTML content, frames and even go over the browser window. The Advanced Menu Bar can even execute javascript functions. Source code also available.
Завершенность жизни, и краткой, и долгой, определяется только целью, ради которой она прожита. Д. Джордан
Богатая невеста из порядочной семьи хочет выйти замуж за парня, несмотря на то, что он лентяй, транжира и бабник. Отец невесты говорит вечером жене: -- Мы должны воспрепятствовать этому браку. Надеюсь, ты сказала нашей дочери, что я не дам ей ни копейки, если она выйдет за этого болвана? -- Нет, дорогой! Я сделала лучше -- я сказала об этом жениху.
Если вы разгильдяй - напишите это себе на лбу, я прочту, и мне все сразу станет ясно.