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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

Mini Golf Challenge 2002

  Версия: 2.02
Скачать Цена:$4.95


Putt your way through 18 holes in this all original classic miniature golf game, but don't expect to master it on your first try! In this game your scoring works a little different than regular golf, (the boring way..!) instead of the old "gain a point/lose a point" scoring method, you'll start out with an extremely high score and hope to keep it high, although with every single stroke your score will be taken down a notch. But each "HOLE IN ONE" will bump you up just a tad! The high score board lets you keep track of your progress. You only need to use your mouse during the game. Once the game has started your mouse curser will be replaced with a "target" or "gun site" thats works as your destination point for the ball. You have 3 different swing speeds to choose from, but its not as easy as it sounds! You'll have to learn your angles and speeds to get around some of the corners and traps before you'll land that little white ball in its snug hole in the ground.



Когда между собакой и кошкой вдруг возникает дружба, то это не иначе, как союз против повара.
С. Цвейг


-- В следующем году вы женитесь на красивой богатой брю-
нетке! -- говорит гадалка.
-- Спасибо! Вот вам за труд, но эту сумму я удвою, если вы ска-
жете, куда деть крашеную уродливую блондинку без копейки за душой!


...в полночь Золушка незаметно удавилась...

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