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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  


  Версия: 1.0
Скачать Цена:$749


MistyChart is a java based charting component. MistyChart requires java Plug-in 1.4. MistyChart supports close to 50 chart formats. Some of the chart formats supported are pie, column, 3d column, stock, etc. MistyChart allows displaying any of the supported chart types using the popup menu. MistyChart can be customized at design time using the rich API set provided. Various attributes like header, title, footer, plot can be customized by selecting desirable fonts, colors (including transparency and gradient), orientation and alignment. At run time, the chart can be customized using popup menu. First and second level popup menu can be restricted by the designer, if required. The chart can be saved as jpeg or png file. The chart supports double values. The chart can be zoomed for a larger view. MistyChart allows the developer or user to modify the thickness and style of lines used for x-axis, y-axis, horizontal, and vertical grid lines. If required the various lines can be hidden. A note can be added to the chart at design time or at runtime. All attributes of the notes like background color, text color, text font can be customized. The note can be hidden if not required. Notes can be moved anywhere on the chart. The legend details can be customized at design or run time and can be hidden if required. The legend can be moved anywhere on the chart. Two horizontal constant lines and two vertical constant lines are supported by MistyChart. The constant lines can be moved from one position to another by dragging them. The constant lines can be customized including text, color, line thickness and line style. All these features are available in less than 200KB of jar file.



Искренность не есть истина.
Л. Лавель


Некий господин, решивший жениться на богатой вдове
по объявлению в газете, нанес ей визит и с горечью убедился, что
объект его внимания не первой и даже не третьей молодости... По-
сле любезнейшего приема вдова показала претенденту свой дет-
ский портрет:
-- Видите, мсье-, какой я была в детстве... Работа прекрасно-
го мастера!
-- О, да! -- горестно вздохнул гость.-- Художники эпохи Ре-
нессанса знали свое дело!


Честный чужчина. Согласен на любые пpедложения.

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