
Mizo - CD Librarian
Версия: |
1.0 |
Автор: | Mizotec Software Solutions |
Лицензия: | Freeware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $0 |
Mizo - CD Librarian stores a copy of a CD's directory structure and its file information in its database. The stored information can then be searched for files or directories. The entire structure of the scanned CD can be simulated.
Mizo - CD Librarian sports the following features :-
* Scanning the CD Rom can be done with a variab le number of details, such as minimal, basic or all details.
* Mizo - CD Librarian stores the file name, size, date, time, attributes, extension, number of icons in file and the file's internal information
* Browse through the stored CD's in a full featured explorer like interface, showing you every aspect of the CD Rom.
* The directory simulator permits you to duplicate the directory structure, including files, of your CD on any other media.
* You can associate a CD, directory or even single file with a program tag. The program tag contains full information about the application this file represents, and its location. You can even store your registeration keys and technical support data for safe keeping.
* The program explorer allows you to scan through the applications you have stored in the database, and edit or delete any application data.
* CD Librarian sports and extremely powerful search engine. You can search the database for a file, directory, CD or application. You can search using any detail you want. Even wildcards are supported for your searches.
* The database workshop helps you take good care of your databases. It will compact, repair, encrypt, decrypt, backup and restore your database. You will also be presented with a full report about the different aspects of your database.
* The database can hold an enormous amount of data, upto 2 GB of data. This literally translates to thousands of CD images.
* All information is stored in a single database file, allowing you to easily transfer it to different computers, or restore your entire database in case you reinstall windows.
Человеческий слух до всяческих россказней падок. Лукреций
В цветочный магазин заходит покупатель и просит про- дать ему горшок с геранью. -- К сожалению, герани у нас сегодня нет,-- отвечает прода- вец.-- Но, может быть, вас устроят хризантемы -- они намного кра- сивей и, наверняка, удовлетворят вкусу той, кому вы их подарите. -- Увы,-- отвечает покупатель.-- Хризантемы не подойдут. Я обещал жене поливать герань, пока она гостит у матери.
..а амеба сказала, что Бог велел делится...