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Watch Right

Watch Right is a simple and inexpensive parental monitoring system that empowers the concerned parent with the ability to keep and eye their child's online activities. Works invisibly in the background and resists tampering attempts.

SDE for JDeveloper (ME) for Mac OS X

SDE for JDeveloper is a UML modeling tool tightly integrated with JDeveloper. You can capture requirements, draw all types of UML diagrams, reverse engineer Java to UML model, generate Java code and generate UML documents in HTML/PDF format...


TimelyWeb helps you track updates of web pages and ftp resources. When the change is detected, you can be notified in a number of ways including e-mail, SMS or instant messenger message. TimelyWeb can check keywords or exclude parts of web pages.


The number one solution if you want to know what others are doing on your own computer while you are not at home (or office). Logs all keystrokes, applications, windows, websites, internet connections, passwords, chat conversations.


The number one solution if you want to know what others are doing on your own computer while you are not at home (or office). Logs all keystrokes, applications, windows, websites, internet connections, passwords, chat conversations.


Spytech SpyAOL is the award winning monitoring tool that allows you to record what users do while they are using America Online. SpyAOL secretly records all AOL activities - unknown to the users of your PC.


SpyAnywhere provides the power to remotely control computer's with SpyAnywhere installed - all from your favorite web-browser! SpyAnywhere allows many powerful controls for remote control, and also allows you to remotely monitor/spy other computers.

Guestbook Star

Guestbook Star sets up your online guestbook. Collect valuable user feedback and opinion. You can reply directly to the visitor or post a reply. Your visitors' opinion might benefit your business. CGI on your server or on WebGenie's.

Network Equipment Performance Monitor

NEPM goes beyond polling-based monitoring to true downtime and event detection, tracking, and correction. Unique links reveal downtime or intrusion causes, while performance graphs highlight networked element throughput and error rate.


A life-saver application for those MIS specialists needing to guarantee up-time on desktop application style server utilities. Now network monitoring and even automatic re-starting of failed applications is possible.

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В учреждение, из которого давно вычистили всех евреев, по
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об антисемитизме, Иванова назначили Рабиновичем. делегация рас-
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