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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

Mood Meeps

  Версия: 1.1
Автор:Stuart Swain
Скачать Цена:$9.95


Meeps are cute little creatures that unfortunately are rather prone to chronic mood swings. Can you clear them from the playing field? Ignore them and they'll get lonely... or jealous... maybe even angry... just don't let them turn EVIL! All you have to do is get the Meeps together, and clear the playing field. Sounds easy? Think again - and you WILL have to think! The full version of Mood Meeps comes with 80 levels ranging in difficulty from easy to seemingly impossible. Even when you finish each one, there's always the challenge of trying to do it in less moves. Finish all the levels within the required number of moves, and you could win a cash prize! See the Mood Meeps homepage for more information. (http://www.moodmeeps.com/). With its cute characters, a stunning array of graphics, and special features like portals and mood rings, Mood Meeps will keep you entertained for hours.



Прекрасно только то, что естественно.
Ф. Вольтер


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