
Multi Replace
Версия: |
2.0 |
Автор: | Alphyn Software |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $19.95 |
Multi Replace program is intended for search and replacement of the text simultaneously in a plenty of files. It is useful for webmasters, programmers and those who works with a plenty of text files. For example, it is easy and it is fast possible to refresh the information at once on all pages of your site, to change the version of your program in all source files, etc. Program features: • opportunity manually to supervise process of replacement in each file; • replace not only lines, but the paragraph(s); • search and replacement only in one specified file; • saving and a choice from the list of the types of files used before masks; • saving and a choice from the list of the used lines for search and replacement; •accomodation of results of replacement in a new folder; • case sensitive/insensitive search; • search and replacement only the whole words; • search of lines in a special mask. (* - any amount of any symbols, ? - symbol, etc); • search text and replace/delete him, or insert new text; • undo/redo; • opportunity to set a mask of files in which do not make replacement; • indication of masks of files groups (for example: *.htm *.html, *.shtml); • integration of the program in the context menu of "Explorer";
Много книг составлять - конца не будет, а много читать утомительно для плоти. Соломон
Бедный еврей просит воспомоществования у местечково- го богача. -- Ни копейки не дам,-- говорит богач,-- у меня и без того на содержании три сестры. -- Но ведь все говорят, что вы не даете им ни гроша?! -- Ну, видите, родным сестрам не даю, а вы хотите, чтобы я дал вам?
Жизнь так коротка!Потерпи чуть-чуть!