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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

Music Transformation

  Версия: 1.00
Автор:Voice Imitation & Recognition Ltd.
Скачать Цена:$49.9


Music Transformation is a software module that allows the user to transform music Music octave and tones segments up to 1/64 tones of any WAV file it helps you change any music or vocal creation and save the results in WAV files, for special effects.Friendly efficient user interface ,Multi-Tasking Manager.. Build-in billing module Handling 44.100Sps 16Bits Stereo WAV signal format Up to 1/64 accurate Note-to-Note transform steps.Automatic Music on Note processing Handling WAV files.Playing each segment independently.Digitally scales for accurate process inspection.Accurate manual adjusting Inspection.Using existing audio hardware device Using keyboard in Normal or DubMaster.Special functions.Left-Mouse super functions Monitoring each transformation step.Internet downloads updates ability.Multiple real-time tasks ability



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