Natural Voice Text to Speech Reader
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Автор: | Natural Voice Reader |
Лицензия: | Freeware |
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Цена: | $0 |
This is a free and fully functional text-to-speech software with Microsoft Voices. Just one-click, you can have your computer read any part of the news, weather forecast, charting messages, and e-mails. The application can also read Word documents, Rich Text files, and PDF files. The speaking speed and voice quality can be changed at your wish. You can also save the voice as a WAV file, so that you can listen later or burn it onto a CD. You can also record your sound to compare Natural Voice and your voice. New feature in this edition is: to read internet news, you can just click an IE icon or menu, to hear other text, just click copy, computer will read selected text back to you The main difference between the Standard version and Enterprisel version is that enterprise version supports and contains natural voice, but standard version uses Microsoft Voices.
Книга, которая не стоит того, чтобы читать ее дважды, не стоит и того, чтобы читать ее один раз. К. Вебер
-- Доктор! Я вешу сто двадцать килограммов. Прошу поре- комендовать мне какую-нибудь диету для похудения. -- Вы должны съедать кусочек черного хлеба с маргарином, яблоко и чай без сахара. -- А это, доктор, до еды или после?
Честь девичью блюла, но не со всеми!