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PopupDummy! popup killer provides real-time protection from popups, adware, spyware, harmful web browser plug-ins, harmful activex installers, drive-by downloads, and web browser hijackers.
Popup Ad Stopper
Popup Ad Stopper is a simple, easy to use popup blocker. It works with any web browser, not just one or a select few, like most popup blockers. It filters web page content as it is coming in from the Internet, before it reaches your web browser.
Pioneer Report MDI
Pioneer Report MDI is a GRML, CSV, and text delimited file and web browser. GRML, or General Reuse Markup Language, supports forms, hyperlinks, text, and images. There are four displays, Report, Horizontal List, Vertical List, and Thumbnail.
PresenTense Time Server
Multi protocol Windows time server supporting even the latest NTP4.0 protocol. Installation automatically configures default time servers so in most cases, you have an operational time server after the install is complete.
Product Scope 32 PRO
Resourceful Internet Bookmark program and Comparative Shopping. Spreadsheet Option. Database convenience for tracking product, manufacturer, and place to buy information. Profile Exchanges. Imaging and PDF Tools. File Search. Search All text fields!
Tennis 2001
At first sight this game looks very easy. But only at first sight. You will spend many hours with this game if you want to win.
With this game you may play multiplayer without net.
Remote Administrator
Remote Administrator is the fastest remote control software. You can
work with a remote computer as if you were sitting in front of it. Built-in
features include: file transfer, full OS-integrated NT security system
support, Telnet access, etc.
Reggie Pro
Find out about free and expiring domain names easily
Google search engine ranking helps you find popular expired domain names
Includes 10 dictionaries (almost a million words with support for extended characters)
Multithreaded=many times faster
Recall Toolbar
Recall Toolbar is a better browser history.
Recall Toolbar is a personal search engine that helps you instantly find that needle that you're trying to find again in the haystack of pages you've already visited.
Просвещенный народ легче вести, но его труднее гнать, им легче управлять, но невозможно поработить. Г. Бруэм
Жена -- мужу: -- Мне надоела такая жизнь. Позавчера ты пришел домой вчера, вчера ты пришел сегодня. Если сегодня ты придешь завтра, я послезавтра подаю на развод! Понятно объяснила?
Бригада строителей-монтажников ищет работу, бензин не предлагать