
Nevron Diagram for Windows Forms
Версия: |
3.0 |
Автор: | Nevron LLC |
Лицензия: | Commercial |
Скачать |
Цена: | $489 |
Nevron Diagram for Windows Forms is the leading diagram visualization component for Windows Forms. The component is suitable for flowcharts, network editors, organization charts, industrial control software, form layout tools and others. The rich set of shape and link styles combined with advanced logic like automatic tree and symmetrical layouts, graph analysis tools, intelligent connectors, dynamic splines and polylines make this component unique.
The key features are:
Ability to display a myriad of shapes
Basic Shapes: Rectangle, Ellipse, Rounded Rectangle, Triangle, Diamond, Pentagon, Hexagon, Octagon, Hexagram and Octagram.
Flowchart Shapes: Document, Data, Predefined Process, Stored Data, Internal Storage, Sequential Access Storage, Manual Input, Card, Punched Tape, Display, Manual Operation, Termination, Multi Document, Off Page Connection, Magnetic Disk, Transport, Sum Junction, Or, Collate, Sort, Extract, Merge, Delay, Process Iso9000, Triangle Rectangle, Simple Arrow, Sunken Arrow.
Ability to display line links with the following styles - Simple, Polyline, Spline, Bezier and Step Lines.
Ability to display connectors (arrow heads) in 15 different styles -Arrow, Circle, Closed Fork, Double Arrow, Fork, Lose Angle, Many, Many Optional, One, One Optional, One Or Many, Opened Arrow, Quill Arrow and Sunken Arrow.
Advanced interactivity features
Automatic content fitting
Grid - The grid supports several modes of visualization. Mouse and keyboard input can be snapped to major grid lines.
History support
View Styles
Measurement Units Support
Layout Formatting Commands
Tree Layout
Symmetrical Layout
Fill Effect Editors
Line Properties Editors
Shadow Editors –
Keyboard support
Built-in Ruler and Status Bar
Built-in User Interface controls
Advanced interactivity tools and features
Clipboard Support
Print Manager
Image Export
HTML 2 documentation with MSDN look and feel
Lots of examples
Знание - в действии. Эразм Роттердамский
Последние русские цари: Владимир Самозванец, Иосиф Грозный Никита Блаженный и Леонид Летописец.
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