No Hawkers - AntiSpam
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Автор: | Code Builders |
Лицензия: | Freeware |
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Цена: | $0 |
No Hawkers - Antispam is a peer-to-peer spam stopping solution. Using the same community technology that makes other products some of the largest sharing communities in the world No Hawkers - AntiSpam links you into every other person in the world using the software. You receive second by second spam updates, spam tollerance control and the ability to fight back against spam by being able to send your own received spam messages back to the network to be reported to others.
Best of all No Hawkers - AntiSpam requires no setup you simply install it, let it detect your mail accounts and have it sit in your task bar doing the work for you. You don't have to setup filters or keywords or be a spam expert in any way.
Are you using another spam filter that catches 90% of your spam? thats fine, you don't even have to uninstall your original software, just install No Hawkers - AntiSpam and it will supplement your original software giving your PC more stopping power.
Если знаешь, что делает вещи естественными, то поступки не будут неправильными. Чжу-Си
Как-то мудреца спросили: -- В чем суть божьей милости и божьей кары? Мудрец ответил: -- Если юноша своим умом напоминает убеленного сединой старца -- это божья милость. А если убеленные сединой похожи умом на юнцов -- это божья кара.
Лучше длинная живая очеpедь, чем коpоткая автоматная.