Npust eMail address Creator
Версия: |
6.8 |
Лицензия: | Freeware |
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Цена: | $0 |
Npust text editor -- bulk eMail address Creator is used world wide by Job Posters, WebMasters, Real Estate Agents, Recruiters, and anyone else who needs to increase the number of their recepients when doing bulk email postings. This software can easily divide your file with a list of email addresses into two parts - file with names and file with domains and then compose them together again with all possible combinations. It makes your audience ten time as big with a single click of the mouse. Npust text editor -- bulk eMail address Creator is a powerful tool
which greatly simplifies the process of increasing the number of your recepients. There has ever been an easier way to increase your
audience... until now!
Усердие всё превозмогает! К. Прутков
Вдова вышла замуж. Муж делает ей замечание: -- Тебе не кажется, что ты слишком часто хвалишь при мне своего первого мужа! -- Дорогой мой, если бы ты умер первым, я говорила бы о тебе то же самое.
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