Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  


  Версия: 7.05
Автор:Neural Decision Lab LLC
Скачать Цена:$0


Freeware for fast training, validation, and application of classification type networks including the multilayer perceptron (MLP), functional link network, piecewise linear network, nearest neighbor classifier (NNC), self organizing map (SOM) and K-Means clustering. C source code for applying trained networks is provided, so users can use networks in their own applications. User-supplied txt-format training data files, containing rows of numbers, can be of any size. Example training data is also provided. Fast VB Graphics for network classification error and SOM cluster formation are included. Extensive help files are provided in the software. Nuclass7 is highly automated and requires very few parameter choices by the user. Advanced features include a fast MLP training algorithm (faster and better than BP and LM), input feature selection, pruning (elimination) of useless units (for MLP) and modules for PLN). Training and validation error are plotted versus network size. Utilities are provided for counting patterns, deleting columns, combining files, splitting files, calculating column mean and standard deviation, and plotting column histograms. Training data can be compressed using the discrete Karhunen-Loeve' transform (KLT). This freeware version of Nuclass7 limits the MLP to 10 hidden units, the PLN to 10 clusters, and the NNC to 50 clusters. Upgradable to the commercial version, which lacks these limitations. The regression/approximation version of this software, called Numap7, is also available. Nuclass7 was developed by the Image Processing and Neural Networks Lab of Univ. of Texas at Arlington, and by Neural Decision Lab LLC.



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Л. Фейербах


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