
O&O Defrag Server Edition
Версия: |
6.5.851 |
Автор: | O&O Software GmbH |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
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Цена: | $219 |
O&O Defrag V6.5 Server Edition is not only the ideal, specially-created defragmentation software for servers - it also contains the O&O Defrag network management. This tool allows you to distribute and control O&O Defrag over your entire network. O&O Defrag even includes it own software distribution system (O&O ComponentInstaller), which enables you to distribute the software around the network with only a few clicks of the mouse. Even updates can be easily integrated with the intelligent version checking system.
A special O&O Defrag agent is included as client software with the O&O Defrag V6.5 Server Edition - this agent only needs to be installed once. After this, the entire communication is controlled with the console. Whenever the console recognizes a new computer on which the agent has not yet been installed, the administrator is prompted to install it. No further software is required, nor are any further configurations. Everything will be done for you, and all fully integrated in Windows' security concept.
Всё в руках человека! Поэтому их нужно мыть чаще. Ежи Лец
Посетитель зоопарка смотрит, как служитель кормит мя- сом льва. -- Скажите, а может лев съесть сразу 5 килограммов мяса? -- Может. -- А десять? -- Запросто. -- Ну, а 20 килограммов? -- Съесть-то съест, да кто ему даст?
Сила женщины в неспособности отказывать своим слабостям