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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

OSL2000 Boot Manager

  Версия: 8.75
Скачать Цена:$25


OSL2000 is an advanced multi boot manager. Using OSL2000 boot manager, you can directly install, boot and manage upto 100 independent OSs in your computer. Runs on Windows 95/NT/98/ME/2000/XP. The program can be installed in less than a minute. The Windows installer now creates a complete emergency disk for easy uninstall. Free technical support is available at http://www.osloader.com. The boot menu recognizes all partitions and automatically configures itself during every boot. The boot menu also has a quick reference help screen, timer menu, options menu and edit menu to customize the interface. The boot menu sports advanced features like AutoBoot, AutoHide, AutoScan, etc. OSL2000 boot manager lets you have completely independent copies of Windows. It lets you have even multiple copies of the same Windows. It can boot Windows even from the second hard disk. Supports DOS, Windows (all), Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, and most others operating systems. The only boot manager that comes with a excellent HTML based documentation.



Часами измеряется время, а временем жизнь человеческая; но чем, скажи, измеришь ты глубину Восточного океана?
К. Прутков


Посетитель зоопарка смотрит, как служитель кормит мя-
сом льва.
-- Скажите, а может лев съесть сразу 5 килограммов мяса?
-- Может.
-- А десять?
-- Запросто.
-- Ну, а 20 килограммов?
-- Съесть-то съест, да кто ему даст?


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