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Small Library Organizer Pro
Small Library Organizer Pro is a database maintenance system for small private, public, or corporate libraries. Our library software helps you to organize and manage library collections, member information, and keep track of the circulation data.
XL Navigator
Add-in for navigating in Excel. It allows you to close, delete, move, rename workbooks, worksheets, names, links, etc. by one click.
TxtEdit is an editor for text or Rich text files. It includes a spell checker.
TxtEdit contains a "send to" - feature, which is useful to have a quick view on many different file formats.
TimePanic is an easy-to-use personal time tracking tool for computer-based workplaces. It helps you to observe and improve your style of working and is well-suited to personal project management.
TextMaker for Windows
If you want your word processor (a) to provide all the features of a modern high-end word processor, (b) to seamlessly read and write Microsoft Word documents, and (c) to be available on multiple platforms, look no further: TextMaker is here!
TextMaker for Pocket PCs
TextMaker is the only desktop-class word processor for Pocket PCs. Imagine being able to work on your Microsoft Word documents on the road, keeping content and all formatting intact. Imagine having a full-fledged word processor on your Pocket PC!
TextMaker for Handheld PCs
TextMaker is the only desktop-class word processor for Handheld PCs. Imagine being able to work on your Microsoft Word documents on the road, keeping content and all formatting intact. Imagine having a full-fledged word processor on your Handheld PC!
SumInfos (Summary Information)
Tool to collect summary information, properties: author,comments, date, embedded in all Windows 2000 files. It exports the collection of Microsoft Office documents properties and Macintosh comments to a text file for use by other systems via batch
Print Designer GOLD
A single, powerful product for all your printing needs! Print Designer GOLD allows you to create great looking Business Cards, Address and Shipping Labels, CD/DVD Labels and Inserts, Envelopes, Post Cards, Name Badges, Signs and other media labels.
Человек по природе добр. Мэн цзы
Сцепились соседки возле забора, ругаются -- на всю де- ревню слыхать. Муж одной из них выходит из хаты и говорит: -- Хватит, иди домой! Ишь разоралась -- люди же смотрят, постыдись! -- Чего мне стыдиться? Я для них и стараюсь!
12 марта гр. Маркович по месту жительства устроил скандал и понес телесные повреждения.