
OrgPlus 4.0 SE Professional
Версия: |
4.0 SE |
Автор: | HumanConcepts |
Лицензия: | Commercial |
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Цена: | $189.95 |
OrgPlus 4.0 SE Organizational Chart Software, chosen by over 400 of the Fortune 500, is the leading organization chart software used by professionals worldwide. OrgPlus enables an organization to visualize their current employee structure, create scenarios to plan for change (change management), and to communicate organizational information across the enterprise. Define available human resources and plan for organizational change. Import your employee data into OrgPlus and create professional organization charts.
OrgPlus integrates with most Human Resource information systems to automatically generate an org chart from existing data, providing an essential tool for the dynamic organization to plan for and communicate changes. OrgPlus is a specialized tool for creating, visualizing, communicating and manipulating hierarchical information visually, such as is found in the structures of any organization.
1- Communicate organizational strategy
2- Establish how the enterprise is organized to meet its goals
3- Define human resources available
4- Provide the data and tools for planning
OrgPlus products work together to provide a framework for organizations to create reliable business processes around the discipline of managing and communicating organizational structure and change.
The overall objectives of such processes are to enable management to:
Make decisions with respect to organizational structure and resource allocation, provide a framework for planning for change and measuring its financial and operational effects; communicate structural and operational information to all employees.
A common implementation of OrgPlus achieves these objectives as follows:
Human Resources or IT create org charts automatically from HR databases and distribute them to management. This process is automated using OrgPlus Professional.
Когда человеку кажется, что он причиняет зло кому-то, в самом деле он вредит только себе. Авессалом Подводный
Однажды Молле сказали: -- Молла, иди скорей, у тебя жена умерла. Молла всплеснул руками и воскликнул: -- Опять она меня опередила. -- Как это она опередила тебя? -- спросили Моллу. -- Она уже давно хворала,-- ответил Молла,-- и болезнь ее мне надоела. Наконец, я решил отделаться от нее и развестись. Посмотрите, какая хитрющая, догадалась, что я задумал, и тут опе- редила меня -- умерла.
Меняю: картинку, корзинку, картонку - на женскую дубленку из маленькой собаченки